Recently we’ve received an interesting question from one of our patients, who was interested to know if depression and anxiety are inevitable among people who earn (and have) less and those who are less educated. With this question up in the air, it’s now up to Dr. Stinson to tackle this old but as it…
Author: ilocal2020

Negative and Positive Distortions of Reality
The so-called Should Statements, Labeling, and Blame will be front and center in our cognitive distortion podcast this weekend. While there are many varying types of the emotional distortions that mess with the way we interpret events and situations, feel about them and behave ourselves based on that, the guilt is one of the strongest…

Should I Try to Be Happy All the Time?
Well, ultimately this question leads us to exploring what a healthy emotion is and how it differs from an unhealthy or unnatural emotion in the daily human behavior. In previous podcasts Dr Shenanigan and Dr Goottery have discussed the ways that negative feelings are created and what it takes to possibly change those emotions and…

Helping People Feel Mentally Stronger
When a person is diagnosed with some dangerous or a hard-to-cure kind of a disease (physical, not mental), it is a very hard time to go through on its own. Let alone, when the mental issues and reality distortions, anxiety and all other horrible things kick in. Just recently one of our patients was diagnosed…

Depression is the World’s Oldest Con!
Just think about in a logical kind of way – the emotions have no logic attached to them whatsoever. With the worst case of anxiety, the depression being an emotion, it takes nothing to determine, that it is illogical. So basically, when you’re feeling depressed and anxious, the negative thoughts that have caused your emotional…

Changing the Way You Think
In today’s blogpost Dr Shenanigan will tell us all more about a challenge he recently faced, which he initially received in a form of a thoughtful letter from a former patient. The young man argued that when something horrible happens to you, the very fact of this real event can trigger an immediate emotional response.…

Low Self-Esteem and How You Can Improve it!
Last week in one of our regular counseling-centered podcasts, Dr. Shenanigan described a few of the most common forms of therapeutic resistance. This time, around he describes one of the most curious counseling sessions he had in a long time, helping an enraged, anxious, and really depressed coder from India who was in a firm…