Recently we’ve received an interesting question from one of our patients, who was interested to know if depression and anxiety are inevitable among people who earn (and have) less and those who are less educated. With this question up in the air, it’s now up to Dr. Stinson to tackle this old but as it…
Tag: Psychiatrists

Depression is the World’s Oldest Con!
Just think about in a logical kind of way – the emotions have no logic attached to them whatsoever. With the worst case of anxiety, the depression being an emotion, it takes nothing to determine, that it is illogical. So basically, when you’re feeling depressed and anxious, the negative thoughts that have caused your emotional…

Empathy—Does It Really Make a Difference?
In this week’s podcast, we ‘ll be telling you more about what is the counselor’s experience really is. Surely everyone understands that the patient is not the only person in the room who has some emotions and that rather than perceiving your doctor as a automatized creature, it’s always best to actually try and get…

Hidden Emotion Technique
This week, one of our therapists studied a new curios case of an anxiety disorder. Dr Labor was handling a patient (a MA engineer) who was overlt obsessed and worried about the future, his family, his work, and so forth. Each single day he was trying to figure out what would he do in case…